
Some time ago at a yard auction, we came across a slick-looking guy loading his old Valiant station wagon with a pile of burnt-out chrome toasters and ceramic jugs, cracked coloured plastic valve radios and scratched anodised aluminium desk-lamps, a small 1930s refrigerator and a 1950s vacuum cleaner.
He’d bought the lot for a token amount, and as the rear springs on his classic 1960s mid-size American Aussie wagon sagged, I asked him what he was going to do with it all. “Bring it back to life, man”, came the reply, through a neatly trimmed beard and vintage RayBans.  “It’s all gonna be re-rocked and rolled and loved all over again.”
I told him we could use someone like him in our shop, so every week, between picking rounds and helping op-shops raise funds, he responds to some of the most difficult questions. We call him the Hipster Tipster.

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